Right Here In River City

We have our own kerfuffle about rude behavior right here on the River. As reported by a local radio station, our county administrator (an appointed position) said this on his Facebook page about the passing of conservative icon Rush:

How sad that this hatred has escaped this existence for ever. If I believed in hell it would be the most deserving place for the likes of him. He never loved anything but hatred, racism and disrespect. Good riddence.

He then gave a non-apology in the radio report:

“I don’t really think anybody really cares what my opinion is,” O’Malley told WIZM on Thursday. “But, evidentially somebody wants to make it a big issue. Other people commented as well. It has no affiliation with the county. It was on my own time.”

There was also a non-apology in the paper today. It is an interesting problem when an employee, in this case a public employee, does something that at the very least is rude and extraorinarily unprofessional but it was in a public forum. Certainly, calling someone a racist is fraught with all kinds of issues. So what should be done about a public employee that shouts “racist” in a crowded theater? It wasn’t 20 years ago or as a teenager but this year while employed as public professional. We don’t know the legal details but we want to ask every candidate for election about this.

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